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Anti-bullying Resources

Bullying is never acceptable and is not tolerated at Forest Hill School. We are committed to creating an environment where all students feel safe and secure so that a culture of mutual support exists. Our staff work continuously to ensure that all students form positive learning and friendship groups, in all areas of school life.

To develop a supportive culture, we take time and care to ensure that incidents of bullying are dealt with promptly and effectively. All members of the school community are asked to adhere to our anti-bullying policy.

During Anti-bullying Week (14-18 November 2022), we organised assemblies and tutor time activities to talk to students about what bullying is, the different types of bullying and how we deal with bullying at school. Click below to view the content from one of our assemblies:

The Anti-Bullying Alliance and Kidscape have designed a toolkit to give parents information about bullying, tips about what to do if you’re worried about bullying, and the tools to help you talk to your children about bullying. The toolkit can be found at the following link: Anti-Bullying Week 2022 – Parent Pack.pdf (