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Sixth Form Applications

SFH6 Courses

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SFH6 is our joint Sixth Form provision with Sydenham Girls’ School. It is a dynamic and forward looking Sixth Form with very high standards.

We offer A Levels and vocational courses to suit a wide range of interests, talents and aspirations and we use rigorous systems and good practice in education to ensure that all students are stretched and challenged, and that academic and teaching standards are high.

Students have access to excellent facilities and resources including the latest technology and purpose-built specialist rooms, laboratories and study areas.

Each person is known, valued and supported as an individual within a comprehensive system of pastoral care and Sixth Form tutors play a central role in supporting students’ academic progress and personal development.

Year on year, we are delighted with the A Level Results achieved by our students. There are always a number of impressive individual performances and students progressing to Oxbridge and elite Russell Group universities as well as other prestigious institutions.

All Year 11 students attending the Forest Hill and Sydenham Schools are able to apply for places at SFH6. In addition, a number of places are reserved for students from other schools.

“Students are challenged effectively and given work that interests and motivates them… Progression to education, employment or training is strong, as is the proportion going to top universities.”

Ofsted Report, December 2017